Hi, I'm Dyan.

I am a quantum healer and soul mastery guide here to serve those looking for a little magic in this world.

When it comes to telling my story, I’m not really sure where to begin. I know, it’s such a typical thing for an “infinite being” to say. But as cosmic as I can be, I too had to play the game of life.

I was once a web developer who lived in a nice house in a safe, quiet neighborhood living a seemingly perfect life with my family. The facade soon started to crack as I silently wished to die every day. It seems a little dramatic, but it’s true.

I had the worst kind of depression—the kind that I wasn’t even aware was happening behind the scenes, slowly eating away at my soul. I had lost touch with my true essence, becoming a shell of who I thought I was.

It didn’t take a psychic to predict that the world I’ve worked so hard to build would ultimately come crashing down, catalyzing a journey to “find myself” …whatever that meant. I just knew that I was desperate for answers, seeking any kind of reprieve from the inexplicable pain I was feeling from deep within.

I embraced yoga as if my life depended on it and learned about a process for “polishing the heart” from Kundalini. Not long after, I stumbled upon Sufism on my path, introducing me to the concept of light alchemy. Through Sufi healing, I experienced for the first time a palpable energetic movement around my heart, which had been hardened from being broken, abandoned, and betrayed one too many times. Little did I know, I was beginning to follow the breadcrumbs leading me to the realm of alchemy, which would later become the foundation of my healing modalities.

Gradually, it became more obvious that living life as I did before my awakening only served as a distraction from facing the pain of my wounded heart. I came to realize that this coping mechanism was the root cause of my soul disease. Finally, I understood the Sioux Native American saying: “The longest journey you will make in your life is from your head to your heart.” And that’s when I knew it was going to be a long road ahead.

Long story short, I became entangled in a “twin flame journey,” which I discovered was actually an inner sacred union disguised as a live-action romance epic. Along the way, I’ve acquired a few skills in inner child healing, shadow work, entity extraction/exorcisms, past life regression, inner-dimensional travel, soul retrieval, quantum hypnosis, subconscious programming and ancestral healing. Picking up these modalities came naturally, as if I simply remembered how to do them again. And I began to help others through these practices as a way to share the healing that had transformed me. And 8 years later, here I am.

My Story

Oh, and after traveling halfway around the world to find myself, I did eventually cross paths with my twin flame in Peru. I guess the universe thought it was amusing to hide my alchemist’s treasure in the heart of the Amazon jungle where no one would think to look. It was no coincidence that we met during a time in our lives when we were both immensely healing ourselves with ancestral plant medicines. 

At the moment, we are living in the mountains of Mexico with our dogs and our cat, Gato.

If there was one thing that I wish someone would have told me back then when I was going through it, it would be 

Trust in the unfolding. Healing yourself shouldn’t be so hard. I’m here to help.

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